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Graphic Tees
Somewhere between art and advocacy, these shirts blur the lines of fashion and activism with a mix of digital and hand painted graphics
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Hand-dyed Tees
Each shirt individually hand dyed in Los Angeles to create a truly unique garment
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Essential Tees
The ultimate tee, engineered to perfection, and constructed from raw threads to finished shirt entirely in Los Angeles
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We believe in every day actions, not saviors. So we created a company that contributes to community-focused causes with every sale.
01 Who We are
We make apparel. High quality, meticulously crafted, ethically produced apparel. Some of that apparel has a message on it; all of it has a message behind it. That’s because 50% of the profits from it go to support causes that make our communities better, stronger, and more equal.
Choose your cause 
The cause you choose at checkout is as much a part of a Heart On shirt as the high quality cotton. The only difference is that our partners’ great work also happens outside of Los Angeles. Learn more below.

Building a world where LGBT people thrive as healthy, equal, and complete members of society

L.A. CADA works with City Prosecutors in LA County courts and jails to provide treatment-over-incarceration services for historically-marginalized individuals for greater health equity across populations.

Getting PPE to those who need it most by providing donated PPE at no cost to frontline workers & under-resourced communities